Unique Projects
Haircut by Children
カナダのアーティスト・グループ「ママリアン・ダイビング・リフレックス」が、世界35都市で行っている《子どもたちによるヘアカットHaircuts by Children》。日本での開催にあたり、プロジェクト・コーディネーターをつとめました。子どもたちがプロの美容師の指導で、ヘアカットの技術や接客方法を学び、その後、実際の美容室で大人の顧客に無料のヘアカット・サービス。発達に悩みをかかえる子どもたちのほか、一般の子どもたちが参加しました。
“Haircut by Children” is a program that Mammalian Diving Reflex, an artist group in Canada, conducts in 35 cities all over the world. I played the project coordinator when they held this event in Japan. Professional hairdressers teach children professional hairdressing techniques for cutting hair and how to treat customers, and then the children actually cut people’s hair at no charge at a real beauty shop. Both disabled and non-disabled children participated in this project.
Date: Feb 18-26, 2017
Vanue: Tokyo Beauty Art College
Organizer: Art & Society Research Center
Wonder Art Production
Grant from: Arts Council Tokyo
Institutional Support: The Embassy of Canada
Support: Kodomomirai-en school attached to Tokyo Future University
Class on Life on Journey
Based upon a request from the Heart Exchange House in Kaizuka-City, we held a slide show which tells how precious life is and also a workshop in which people made Christmas cards for children in the hospital.
Date: Nov.16,2016
Vanue: Heart Koryu-kan(Kaizuka city, Osaka)
Participation in KCON ceremony and presentation of our gift
We presented the gifts from a Korean company through KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) to Kanamachi Gakuen, where children with hearing problems and those with one parent study. These children were also invited to a related event.
Date: Apr.8-9,2016
Vanue: Kanamachi-Gakuen(Katsushika-ku, Tokyo)Makuhari Messe (Chiba city,Chiba)
Art Action
Responding to the request from Chiyoda Volunteer Center of Chiyoda Social Welfare Council, we held a lecture and workshop which encourages people to participate in volunteer activities. At this event, we made Christmas cards and Happy Dolls for children who are in the hospital.
Date: Nov.7,2015
Vanue: Digital Hollywood University(Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
in オクトバーフェスト』
Bus Painting in October Fest
“October Fest” is held at Tokyo Yokohama German School. As a part of a social action program of Mercedes-Benz Company in Japan, we held a workshop in which children paint on a wrapped-up bus. This colorful bus “Rosa” was used as a shuttle bus at the Tokyo Motor Show.
Date: 2011-2015
Organizer: Mercedes-Benz Japan
Vanue: Die Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama(Yokohama-city, Kanagawa)
2015年 テーマは”My Faborite things”
2013年 テーマは”Flower”
2011年 テーマは”Heart”
Slovakia National Opera
Japan Tour
We held a concert by first-class soloists at three venues in Tokyo.
Date/Vanue: Jan.19,2011/Nakano Zero Hall
Jan.21,2011/Bunkyo Civich Hall
Jan.22,2011/Seijo Hall
Organizer: Tokyo Slovakia Opera Koryu-no kai
Wonder Art Production
Slovakia Opera Keikaku
Institutional Support: The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Embassy of the Slovak Republic