Happy Doll
Project 2010
Joy that you can contribute something. Joy to receive smiles from those who appreciated your contribution.
Thrilled by such joy, you again try to find something that you could contribute.
Happy Doll Project takes place at hospitals where a happy spiral continues to expand.
And everyone who gets involved in the project is the main cast.
In Japan, there are about 200,000 children who are fighting with difficult diseases and 1.4 million people in hospital, and there are about 8,800 hospitals. If you think of the whole world, the number of people who live with disease and the number of hospitals are just uncountable.
In such hospitals, Happy Dolls have become messengers and have traveled throughout the country for five years, linking hospitals and people who are there.
And as its finale, Happy Dolls’ troop finally crossed over the border!
They flew to New York to meet the children who fight against their disease.
It felt as if this trip was helped by the children who already went to another world, friends who taught us about disease and life, and moreover my parents who taught me about aging and death.
Lives shine even more when they are compared with those which are destined to disappear, and they tell us how precious lives are.
People also realize there are tons of small things that they can be grateful for when they are surrounded by what they don’t have and what they cannot do.
You can also gain a generous heart with which you can be kind to the people around you, even when you are fighting with pain and agony.
This project constantly reminds me of these important things.
And I always feel, “people are wonderful!”
What a wonderful world!
自分にもできることがある幸せ。 喜んでもらえて、笑顔を頂く幸せ。
うれしくて、またできることを探す幸せ。 ハッピードールプロジェクトは、そんなハッピースパイラルをどんどん増殖させる 病院がステージの活動です。
全国には、平均 20 万人の難病のこどもたちと 140 万人の入院患者、
そして約 8800 ヶ所の病院が存在します。 地球上で考えると、
病院と人々の心をつなぎ合いながら、全国各地を旅して 5 年。
病と闘うこどもたちに会うために、NY へと空を飛んだのです。
病と命を教えてくれた友だち、そして老いと死を教えてくれた両親も 同行し、助けてくれたような気がしています。
限りある生命と対峙することでいっそう輝く生命と、そのかけがえの無さ。無いものとできないことに囲まれる中でささやかなことに感謝する謙虚さ。痛みや苦しさと闘う日々の中でも人を思いやり幸せを願える広さと豊かさ。 そんな大切なことを、この活動を通して常に教えられています。
What a Wonderful World !
院内展覧会 2/5-3/5
5 Feb. 2010
Fukushima Medical University Hospital
Exhibition 2/5-3/5
院内展覧会 5/21-5/27
21 May 2010
National Hospital Organization Kyushu Cancer Center
Exhibition 5/21-5/27
院内展覧会 6/3-6/16
3 Jun. 2010
Exhibition 6/3-6/16
2010年6 月22日
院内展覧会 6/22-7/7
22 Jun. 2010
Juntendo University Hospital
Exhibition 6/22-7/7
2010年7 月30日
院内展覧会 7/30-8/6
30 Jul. 2010
Kochi Medical School Hospital
Exhibition 7/30-8/6
院内展覧会 8/10-9/2
10 Aug. 2010
Saitama Children's Medical Center
Exhibition 8/10-9/2
院内展覧会 9/7-9/21
7 Sep. 2010
Sendai Red Cross Hospital
Exhibition 9/7-9/21
Happy Doll Project in New York
2010年10月30日 Candlelighters NYC (USA)
2010年11月 2日 Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital(USA)
Happy Doll Project in New York
30 Oct. 2010 Candlelighters NYC (USA)
2 Nov. 2010 Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital(USA)
Happy Doll Project 2010
Corporate partner:Sanofi K.K.